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Final Examination

Course details








N.A. (Not Applicable)


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Professors (PS2)

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Course description

Thesis work is strictly individual. Coordinated theses with a common introductory part and separate theses can be considered.
The thesis may be written by a maximum of three authors, even if they are enrolled in different Master’s degree courses. The Committee must always be able to identify the contribution made by each applicant. There is only one Supervisor and they must be a lecturer (Professor or Researcher), whether permanent or contracted at the University (in the current or previous academic year) and may be a member of the Degree Committee. He/she may be assisted by one or more co-supervisors (CU) or by experts in specific subjects, even if they are external to the School.
The Supervisor is usually included in the Graduation Committee that will judge the undergraduate student and make its proposal for a mark.
The student submits a thesis to the Degree Examination Board, which may consist of a theoretical, design, experimental or innovative research thesis (Research or Long Thesis) or a thesis to consolidate and refine knowledge already acquired (Consolidation or Short Thesis).

The following code changes the label of the Professors list. If the course has differentiated offer (PS1 ≠ PS2), the label of the first list has the "(PS1)" specification, instead of only "Professors" (default). If the professor is only one, the label is changed with "Professor" (singular).