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Academic year



Studio theme


Dorotea Anfossi, Alessandro Andreoni, Elia Crippa, Sergio Navarro Hernández, Mathew Spialtini, Luis Carlos Zarco Garcia


Valentina Auricchio

Stefana Broadbent

Marta Corubolo

Fabio Di Liberto

Ilkka Suppanen


Teaching assistant

In a Scenario marked by climate change and in which Higher Education will be directly embedded in the social fabric, the Trä System will promote a symbiosis between human beings and forests. It is composed by Trä Unit, a single device placed on a tree that collects data and represents the tree status, and the Trä Hub, a tool connecting Trä Units intended to make perceive how the trees behave in confrontation with each other. Based on the data collected, a network will mirror the existing connections alerting volunteers whenever a calamity could be harming a forest, promoting quick reactions.

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