Access Online Services

Academic year




Studio theme

What will it be like to live in L’Innesto?


Yuanlong Chi, Eleonora Gasparino, Nastaran Kalvandi, Sandra Quintana Echemendia, Zhelin Yan


Anna Meroni

Daniela Selloni

Sabrina Bresciani


Teaching assistants

Lucia Viganego Ballesteros, Chiara Alberti

Pass0 is a mobility system designed for the Greco neighbourhood in Milan. The service aims to evolve the concept of 'Mobility-as-a-Service' into 'Mobility-as-a-Community' by enhancing accessibility, community bonds, and sustainability. The service comprises a central hub, Pass0 Innesto, with shared mobility options such as bikes and scooters, and smaller hubs, Passi, that repurpose parking spaces with services, workshops, and local businesses. A pedestrian and bike pathway, Passare, connects hubs and events. All services and events can be accessed through the L'Innesto App and the Pass0 Unico access key, facilitating future seamless navigation across the city.

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